坪内隆彦 のすべての投稿



 真木は、文化十(一八一三)年に久留米で生まれ、藩校明善堂で学び、弘化元年に水戸遊学を許されて、江戸に赴いている。四度、会沢正志斎を訪ねている。嘉永五年(一八五二)年に、藩政改革の建白をして執政有馬監物らを排斥する藩政の改革を企てるが失敗、以後十年の長い間、塾居生活を余儀なくされた。この時期に真木が書いた倒幕の戦略書が「大夢記」である。山口宗之氏は『真木和泉』において、次のように書いている。 続きを読む 三上卓先生と真木和泉「大夢記」


今度岡倉一雄氏の編輯で『岡倉天心全集』が出始めた。第一巻は英文で発表せられた『東洋の理想』及び『日本の覚醒』の訳文を載せてゐる。第二巻は『東洋に対する鑑識の性質と価値』その他の諸篇、第三巻は『茶の書』を含む筈であるといふ。岡倉先生の主要著作が英文であつたため在来日本の読者に比較的縁遠かつたことは、岡倉先生を知る者が皆遺憾としたところであつた。今その障害を除いて先生の天才を同胞の間に広めることは誠に喜ばしい企てであると思ふ。 続きを読む 和辻哲郎「岡倉先生の思ひ出」『帝大新聞』昭和11年1月








岡倉古志郎『非同盟研究序説 増補版』
 非同盟運動(Non-aligned Movement)とは、非同盟諸国会議に参加する国を中心とする運動のことである。

続きを読む 非同盟諸国会議

A New Path for Japan

A New Path for Japan

In the post-Cold War period, Japan has been continually buffeted by the winds of market fundamentalism in a U.S.-led movement that is more usually called globalization. In the fundamentalist pursuit of capitalism people are treated not as an end but as a means. Consequently, human dignity is lost.
How can we put an end to unrestrained market fundamentalism and financial capitalism, that are void of morals or moderation, in order to protect the finances and livelihoods of our citizens? That is the issue we are now facing.
In these times, we must return to the idea of fraternity ? as in the French slogan “liberte, egalite, fraternite” ? as a force for moderating the danger inherent within freedom.
Fraternity as I mean it can be described as a principle that aims to adjust to the excesses of the current globalized brand of capitalism and accommodate the local economic practices that have been fostered through our traditions.
The recent economic crisis resulted from a way of thinking based on the idea that American-style free-market economics represents a universal and ideal economic order, and that all countries should modify the traditions and regulations governing their economies in line with global (or rather American) standards. 続きを読む A New Path for Japan


China and Japan begin talks on building alliance
By Julian Ryall in Tokyo and Malcolm Moore in Shanghai
Telegraph, 5 Oct 2009

Japan and China have been sworn enemies since the Emperor Meiji’s military routed the Chinese forces more than a century ago.
But in a move that will send shock waves around the world, the two countries have begun talks on forging a new union that could make them the most powerful force in the world.
Tokyo and Beijing are discussing plans to create an “East Asian Community,” similar to the European Union, that would improve economic and political relationships in the region. 続きを読む 『デイリー・テレグラフ』紙「日中同盟検討を開始」

