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マハティール前首相 イラク攻撃5周年メッセージ

Lest We Forget
The war in Iraq has entered its 6th year. It was supposed to be a war to stop Iraq’s Weapon of Mass Destruction. No WMD was found.

Then it became a war to remove Saddam Hussein and his dictatorship. Now Saddam has been eliminated, murdered by the regime that displaced him.

But is Iraq a better country now?

Is Iraq a safer country now?

Only a murderous man like Bush would shamelessly claim things are alright in Iraq. But the world knows that Iraq is now worse, very much worse than when it was under Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship.

Hundreds of thousands of people who should be alive and well have now been killed. Many more have been gravely injured. The democracy in Iraq is a sham. Nothing good has come from the war to “Shock and Awe” against Iraq.

This horrible tragedy is brought about by warmongers, by people who believe that war can solve international problems. This has been brought about by the faith in the idea that killing people brings about peace.

When will we learn that war solves nothing, that war breeds more war, that war between unequals breeds terror for everyone, the guilty and the innocent.

War is a crime and those who launch wars are criminals, are murderers. Murderers should be tried and punished, by hanging until they are dead or being incarcerated for the rest of their lives.

Until war is made a crime and the criminals are punished, the world of the 21st Century cannot claim to be civilized.

Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad
March 21, 2008

